Julia ross’ Virtual Clinic for Food-Craving and false mood Eradication


Our processed food diet is specifically intended to disable the four powerful brain neurotransmitters that are supposed to generate good moods and healthy appetites. The result: Irresistible cravings for junk foods and other addictive substances and epidemics of depression, anxiety, obesity, diabetes, diet-caused cancers, liver disease, and mental illness. In children as well as adults.

Welcome to our Virtual Clinic. All of Julia Ross’ books and ground-breaking discoveries started here. Over the past 30 years, over six thousand people have received the targeted nutritional  neurotransmitter repair that we provide.

Our Staff: Whether you need a mood cure, a craving cure, or both, our staff of neuro-nutrient therapists are the world experts. We continue to find new ways to rescue our increasingly diet-disabled clients from more than 40 symptoms of neurotransmitter deficiency.

The Program: In six sessions (30-60 minutes each), spread over 12 weeks, 90% of our clients are:

* Freed of food cravings

* Freed of negative moods

* Consistently eating healthfully (and enjoying it)

* No longer needing to take the neuro-nutrient supplements



“I lost 13lbs in 2 months.  I cleaned up my diet, but I didn’t need to use will-power because I had used the aminos to re-balance my brain chemistry so that my cravings for junk were just gone!” -KM


“I came to Julia Ross’ virtual clinic on a low calorie diet (1400 calories a day).  After working with them for 3 weeks, I had gone from 23% body fat to 16% by INCREASING my calorie intake!” – LL


“After ONE day on the program, I just wanted to tell you that I’m off of the coke and chocolate yogurt I’d been having all day for years.  The book mentioned that 24 hours was not unusual, but I didn’t believe it.  Now I do” – DL


Your food cravings, failed diets, and false moods are not your fault.

Since the takeover of the Processed Food Industry by the Tobacco Industry in the 1970’s, our brains and bodies have been under constant attack.

Prior to the 1970s, we were effortlessly slender, cheerful, and free of degenerative diseases like diabetes. Why? Because, three times a day, we ate simple, fresh, nutritious food. Now we are eating toxic additives, damaged fats and starches, and high fructose syrup (invented in the 1970s and 10 times sweeter than table sugar). Junk foods are carefully designed to be high in calories, 60% nutrient-void, and the most addictive and deadly substances ever known.


Neurotransmitter Assessment and Repair

Session One

Assessing Your Cravings and ‘False’ Moods


  • You fill out and email back the forms that tell us what kind of cravings and ‘false’ moods you need to eliminate.
  • We’ll review them with you in this initial assessment session.
  • Then we’ll send you a Trialing Kit containing samples of the nutrients that can eliminate the various types of craving and false mood that our clients typically come in with.
Session Two

Live Amino Trialing

  • In a video conference session, you’ll trial the nutrients that we mailed to you that are the most likely to benefit you. We observe the quick effects. (See Julia’s YouTube channel to view recorded trialing sessions.)
  • We create an initial supplement schedule based on trialing results..
  • Then you’ll order a full supply of the nutrients indicated and start taking them daily. (Expect big improvements on day one.)
Session Three

Fine-Tuning Your Supplements and Your Eating


  • We adjust dosing and trial additional nutrients, as needed, based on your newly re-scored symptom questionnaire.
  • Then we focus on the brain-supportive foods that you’ll start eating three times a day. (You’ll enjoy them now that your junk food cravings are gone!)
    Session Four
    • Based, again, on updated symptom scores, adults and teens adjust supplement doses and food choices. Young children will typically be off the supplements by then.
    • Then we’ll look into any problems with digestion, food intolerance, sleep, energy, weight loss, or blood sugar balancing. Since these are all common consequences of our toxic diet, about half of our clients need help with some of them.


    Session Five
    • By now your symptom scores will have dropped so low that you’ll be ready to plan to discontinue your supplements.
    • Then we’ll review your new eating habits and do a progress check on any of the problems targeted in session 4.


    Session Six
    • We will review your final symptom questionnaire, now that you are going off of your supplements.
    • We will make any needed adjustments as you terminate your supplements.
    • We will make sure you can continue to enjoy a protein-rich traditional diet.

    • Session One (Intake assessment ): $125
    • Sessions Two & Three (60 minutes). Sessions Four through Six (30-60 minutes) : $175/hour
    • The Trialing Kit: $55
    • Supplement costs vary by client. Typical daily cost: $2.50/day for adults.
    How to Get Started
    Order Nutrients, Books, CDs & More


    False Mood Eradication

    Our staff nutritionists have developed successful brain-targeted nutritional solutions based on techniques described in The Mood Cure.