—Daniel G. Amen, M.D., author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

—Daniel G. Amen, M.D., author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
A national bestseller, the revised and updated The Diet Cure gives you clinically-proven answers to your diet dilemmas, including
- How dieting actually causes unneeded weight gain and eating disorders
- The real reason you can’t stay away from cookies, ice cream, pasta, soda, and candy.
- How to turn off your urges with amazing amino acids
- The truth about the thyroid’s role in weight gain and fatigue, and how to successfully test and treat it (and get a doctor to cooperate!)
- How to rescue your exhausted adrenals to stop the stress and the stress-eating.
- How your food choices are skewed by food intolerances and blood-sugar swings, and what to do about both.
- How to untangle the hype about Fats, Grains, Carbs, Meats, and Calories.
For the more than two-thirds of Americans who are overweight, dieting is a failure.
Reader Reviews: A few of the 200 reviews posted on Amazon for the new edition of The Diet Cure.
Best book ever!
“This has helped so much with my husband’s depression and brain fog, it got me off caffeine with no withdrawal symptoms, and has helped my mom’s thyroid. I recommend it to all my friends.”
5.0 out of 5 Stars
A must-read for anyone who’s questioning their health!
“So much eye-opening information!!!! I’ve stocked up on a number of essential amino acids and have felt such a difference in just a few days”
5.0 out of 5 stars
The Diet Cure changed my life!
“Since the birth of my last child, I had been bouncing around from diet to diet, beating myself up for not being able to control my cravings, feeling increasing anguish over how to get back to a healthy weight … and a healthy mind. Enter “The Diet Cure. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I felt better 24 hours after starting supplementation. It was a complete turnaround! I can’t recommend The Diet Cure enough. Thank you, Julia Ross!”
5.0 out of 5 stars
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