After 1970, U.S. junk food manufacturers got smarter
I.Healthy carbohydrates became Techno-Karbz:

The Fentanyl of Food
A new and ten times sweeter and more addictive type of sugar, high fructose syrup, was developed to replace the less potent sucrose (table sugar) in most junk foods and drinks.
Over 50 new forms of sugar have since been developed to further drug the brain and poison the body. (See Michael Moss’ recent expose, Hooked).
The new high-gluten starch, over- processed and nutrient- stripped, has been used to create a new American cuisine based on cold cereals, white bread and pasta. Plus pretzels and chips. It also supplies the dough for cookies and many other toxic treats. Gluten has a drug like effect: it raises the levels of our natural opiates, the endorphins.

Cheap, highly processed (i.e. damaged) vegetable oils (from soy, corn, canola, etc.) and solid trans-fats made from them have replaced the traditional and healthful, but more expensive, saturated fats like lard and butter. We’d been eating gobs of them before 1970 when our weight and health were ideal! These new ‘plant based’ oils are equally high in calories and are also known to be highly inflammatory, especially when used to fry food.
III. What about Protein?

The Question No One Asks
There’s not much protein in junk food because protein is more expensive than Techno Karbz and Techno Fatz. It’s also the only food that is not at all addictive. In fact, it reduces cravings for sugar, starch and fat. Because we don’t crave protein and junk foods don’t contain it, our protein requirements are not being met. That’s good news for the junk food industry, but it’s very bad news for junk food consumers.
The Key Problem With Protein Malnutrition
Of protein’s 20 vital amino acid constituents, five are required by the brain to maintain our appetite control system – the system that kept us at normal weight from the earliest times. Until after 1970.