The Diet Cure Quick Symptom Questionnaire Allergy Addiction Select any symptom that applies to you and then click submit to calculate your score. Are you addicted to foods you are actually allergic to? Crave milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, or doughy foods (pasta, bread, cookies, among others) and eat them frequently Experience bloating after meals Gas, frequent belching Digestive discomfort of any kind Chronic constipation and/or diarrhea Respiratory problems, such as asthma, postnasal drip, congestion Low energy or drowsiness, especially after meals Allergic to milk products or other common foods Undereat or often prefer beverages to solid food Avoid food or throw up food because bloating after eating makes you feel fat or tired Can't gain weight Hyperactivity or manic-depression Severe headaches, migraines Food allergies in family Please enter the text as it appears in the image (this helps prevent spam): Time's up ← Low Thyroid Function Hormone Imbalance →