Mood Type Questionnaire Type 1: Low in Serotonin Select any symptom that applies to you and then click submit to calculate your score. Are you under a dark cloud? Do you have a tendency to be negative, to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full? Do you have dark, pessimistic thoughts? Do you really dislike the dark weather or have a clear-cut fall/winter depression (SAD)? Are you often worried and anxious? Do you have feelings of low self-esteem and lack confidence? Do you easily get to feeling self-critical and guilty? Does your behavior often get a bit, or a lot, obsessive? Is it hard for you to make transitions, to be flexible? Are you a perfectionist, a neatnik, or a control freak? A computer, TV, or work addict? Are you apt to be irritable, impatient, edgy, or angry? Do you tend to be shy or fearful? Do you get nervous or panicky about heights, flying, enclosed spaces, public performance, spiders, snakes, bridges, crowds, leaving the house, or anything else? Are you hyperactive, restless, can’t slow down or turn your brain off? Have you had anxiety attacks or panic attacks (your heart races, it's hard to breathe)? Do you have facial or body tics, or Tourette’s? Do you get PMS or menopausal moodiness (tears, anger, depression)? Do you hate hot weather? Are you a night owl, or do you often find it hard to get to sleep, even though you want to? Do you wake up in the night, have restless or light sleep, or wake up too early in the morning? Do you routinely like to have sweet or starchy snacks, wine, or marijuana in the afternoons, evenings, or in the middle of the night (but not earlier in the day)? Do you find relief from any of the above symptoms through exercise? Have you had fibromyalgia (unexplained muscle pain) or TMJ (pain, tension, and grinding associated with your jaw)? Have you had suicidal thoughts? Please enter the text as it appears in the image (this helps prevent spam): Time's up Type 2: Low in Norepinephrin or Thyroid →