Type 1, The Depressed Craver You crave more (and perhaps gain more) in fall and winter.Your mood is worse in winter, too.You tend to be negative, depressed, or pessimistic.You frequently worry or feel anxious.You have frequent feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, or shame.You are obsessed with certain thoughts or behaviors (e.g., your body, your weight, biting your nails, pulling your eyelashes out)."You are a perfectionist or a neat freak. "You tend to be controlling with others.You are subject to irritability or anger.You have panic attacks.You have phobias: fear of heights, small spaces, crowds, snakes, etc.You are hyperactive."You often have a nervous stomach (knots, butterflies).You are a night owl or have middle of the night insomnia.You are a night owl or have middle of the night insomnia.You suffer pain from headaches, TMJ, or fibromyalgia.You are using or have used an SSRI antidepressant drug (like Zoloft, Lexapro, or Prozac) with some benefit. Your symptom total: (Each check mark equals a score of one.) If your symptom score is over 7, especially if most of your severity ratings are over 3, you are a Type 1 Depressed Craver. Your Name (required) Your Email (required)