The Antidepressant Forum: Established Risks and Proven Alternatives

In this 90 minute DVD you’ll hear first from Karen Barth Menzies the lead attorney in the fight to expose the risks associated with antidepressant drugs. The second presenter is Julia Ross, author of The Craving Cure, The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure and Executive Director of The Neuro-Nutrient Therapy Institute (NNTI) in Mill Valley, California. She explains how the brain manufactures serotonin and other powerful mood enhancers from specific proteins, or amino acids, and describes how these aminos can be used as supplements to combat depression and and anxiety as well as the discomfort of withdrawing from SSRI’s.
Next, Beth McDougall MD., Medical Director of the Clear Center of Health in Mill Valley, California, describes the thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormone imbalances that can contribute to depression, and how they can be corrected.
Finally, Cary Murphy RN, recounts her experience with Paxil over a 7 year period, her difficult withdrawal from the drug, and how nutritional support helped her find a better emotional life off the drug.
The following clips are taken from Julia Ross’ presentation:
Clip 1 from Our Antidepressant Forum DVD
Clip 2 from Our Antidepressant Forum DVD
Clip 3 from Our Antidepressant Forum DVD
Complete DVD/MP3 of The Antidepressant Forum available at the Julia Ross’ Cures Official Store.