The Four False Mood Types
The four emotion-generators in your brain are called neurotransmitters. Each needs a different amino acid fuel. The lower your levels of amino fuel, the more False Mood symptoms you develop.
Read MoreThe four emotion-generators in your brain are called neurotransmitters. Each needs a different amino acid fuel. The lower your levels of amino fuel, the more False Mood symptoms you develop.
Read MoreA mood’s eye view on fats and their sources. We need good-mood fats! One of the most spectacular is omega-3 and its first home is your brain.
Read MoreRemedies for mood or sleep problems caused by elevated cortisol in antidepressant withdrawal adapted from The Mood Cure. SSRI withdrawal can trigger an abnormal cortisol surge that exacerbates anxiety and insomnia.
Read MoreIn this excerpt from The Mood Cure, Julia Ross reviews the typical symptoms of antidepressant drug withdrawal and natural help amino acids can provide.
Read MoreThe top awards for bad-health-fats go to the “lite fats”: vegetable oil and the margarine and shortening made from it.
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